Dog trainer phoenix
Dog trainer phoenix

On top of that, at home, he had no personal space and was the literal definition of a “fur missile”. He would go crazy whining, pulling on the leash, and if someone would approach us, he would bark and snarl, causing a scene. He had crazy energy, no personal space and we couldn’t take him out of the house without him losing his mind. We got our Belgian Malinois, Cain, when he was 12 weeks old and we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. Echo has become quite a remarkable Shepherd, and I hope one day I can even make him a service dog for my daughter who is partially deaf and suffers from a hearing impairment. I know that most people would not be willing to put the work into Echo that he needed. While he has a long way to go, he has made amazing strides, and they saved this dogs life. Robert, from Dog Training Elite, called me, and had the owner meet my husband and Echo back at the shelter and felt like they could rehabilitate him. I ended up taking Echo back to the shelter, something I never did as I felt helpless in integrating him into my 7 pet household. I had seen them at the horse show, and was impressed they could get their dogs to do anything. Echo was really rough around the edges and was a snapping turtle when we brought him home, attacking the little dogs in our home. My daughter went through the trauma of losing her previous gentle shepherd due to a heart based tumor, and kept bugging us to go get another shelter dog. This is Echo, a 4 year old, 100 lb German shepherd that this little girl fell in love with at the shelter. I can help. There is No Charge for the Consultation and we can talk for as long as you'd like.Dog Training Elite saved this shepherds life. Whether you are experiencing training challenges, behavioral issues or just wish to take your dog to "The Next Level". Working as an intern at the San Francisco SPCA, I have seen this sad situation occur far too often. Occassionally our four legged friends develop unwanted behaviors that can compromise our lifestyles, possibly cause harm to others or even force us to surrender them altogether. Owning a well balanced dog is one of lifes greatest pleasures! The bond that exists between man and dog is a special relationship that words cannot truly describe. you can't begin to rehabilitate, modify or change that behavior. Until you clearly recognize and pinpoint the exact motivation behind a particular behavior. When you understand how animals see things, you can look past the obvious and clearly recognize how something that may be small and irrelevant to a human in a particular environment can be a big thing to an animal in the very same environment. Grandin can see something in a cattle chute as insignificant to a human as a reflection of light off of a piece of stainless steel, and understand why the cattle are balking in that area of the chute or why a small puddle has been an ongoing issue with livestock movement in a certain area. Grandin is autistic and this is how people with autism see things, in pictures not words! Grandins way of thinking in pictures as opposed to words helps her to see things the same way that animals do. Ms. I have also been strongly influenced by Professor Temple Grandin Phd. Cesar is the true "Dog Whisperer" as he was the first to truly provide hope for dogs and dog owners who otherwise felt there was no hope! What I learned from his methods and experience about Pack Dynamics became the foundation of my method". "Although I received my Certifications at the San Francisco SPCA, I met Cesar Millan the Dog Whisperer years ago before he was as famous as he is today. Dorfman is avaialble for Speaking Engagements and Expert Testimony. A Professional member of the APDT Association of Pet Dog Trainers, Mr. Eric is very experienced with Shelter and Rescue dogs and the challenges that these particular dogs face. After completing an additional In Shelter Internship, he also received his Certification and Specialization in Dog Aggression.

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We can address and correct most Problem Behaviors and Training Issues Quickly and EffectivelyĮric Dorfman received his Certifications at the Renowned San Francisco SPCA Academy of Dog Trainers where he received his Dog Behavior & Counseling Certification. Specializing in Pack Dynamics & Canine Psychology as well as Positive Reward Based Training

Dog trainer phoenix